Sandro Segre

Professor of Sociology

Sandro Segre teoria sociologica classica e contemporanea | Sociologo professore ordinario universitario di sociologia | immagine di Sandro Segre

"Quoique la société ne soit rien sans les individus, chacun d'eux est beaucoup plus un produit de la société qu'il n'en est l'auteur.

(Emile Durkheim)

Sandro Segre teoria sociologica classica e contemporanea | Sociologo professore ordinario universitario di sociologia | immagine Sandro Segre chi sono

Biographical Information

Sandro Segre

Sandro Segre (born in 1945) was Professor of Sociology and Sociological Theory at the University of Genoa (Italy) before his retirement in 2017. He received a Ph D in Sociology in 1978 and a Master of Arts in Sociology in 1972 (both from New York University, Dept. of Sociology). In 1970 he received a “Laurea in Economia e Commercio” from the Università Bocconi of Milan.

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Bauman, Elias and Latour on Modernity and Other Options

London: Anthem Press, 2020;

Business Groups and Financial Markets: A Weberian Analysis

London: Routledge, 2018;
Sandro Segre teoria sociologica classica e contemporanea | Sociologo professore ordinario universitario di sociologia | libro Business Groups and Financial Markets: A Weberian Analysis

Contemporary Sociological Thinkers and Theories

Aldershot: Ashgate, 2014
Sandro Segre teoria sociologica classica e contemporanea | Sociologo professore ordinario universitario di sociologia | libro Le teorie sociologiche contemporanee

Le teorie sociologiche contemporanee

Carocci 2020

Introduction to Habermas

Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2012
Sandro Segre teoria sociologica classica e contemporanea | Sociologo professore ordinario universitario di sociologia | libro Introduction to Habermas

Introduzione a Habermas

Carocci 2012

Sandro Segre teoria sociologica classica e contemporanea | Sociologo professore ordinario universitario di sociologia | libro Talcott Parsons an Introduction

Talcott Parsons: An Introduction

Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2012
Sandro Segre teoria sociologica classica e contemporanea | Sociologo professore ordinario universitario di sociologia | libro Talcott Parsons un'introduzione

Talcott Parsons. Un’introduzione

Carocci 2009

A Weberian Analysis of Business Groups and Financial Markets: Trade Relations in Taiwan and Korea and Some Major Stock Exchanges

London: Ashgate, 2008
Sandro Segre teoria sociologica classica e contemporanea | Sociologo professore ordinario universitario di sociologia | libro A Weberian Analysis of Business Groups and Financial Markets: Trade Relations in Taiwan and Korea and Some Major Stock Exchanges

Gruppi economici e mercati finanziari nella sociologia di Max Weber

Roma: Carocci, 2006

Sandro Segre Gruppi economici e mercati finanziari nella sociologia di Max Weber

Storia del pensiero politico e sociale contemporaneo

Carocci 2009
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Articles and Contributions

Alfred Vierkandt’s Notion of the Social Group.

History of the Human Sciences Vol. 35, 3-4, pp. 113-126. 2022.

Stephen Kalberg, Max Weber's Sociology of Civilization: A Reconstruction.

Quaderni di Sociologia Vol. 88 - XLVI, pp. 113-120. 2022.

Reconsidering Max Weber's Journey to the United States: Sociological Connections between Race Relations and American Capitalism.

Pp. 288-299,in A. Sica ed., The Routledge International Handbook on Max Weber. London: Routledge, 2022.

Emil Lederer’s Theory of the New Middle Class: Historical and Current Relevance of a Key Sociological Concept

In Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Vol. 58 (3), pp. 291-301. 2022.

Emil Lederer’s Theory of the New Middle Class: Historical and Current Relevance of a Key Sociological Concept

In Dahms H.F. ed., Society in Flux (Current Perspectives in Social Theory Vol. 37) , Emerald Publishing Ltd., Bingley, pp. 113-135. 2021.

Alfred Vierkandt’s Notion of Social Group

History of the Human Sciences. First published online December 16, 2021

Religion and Black Racial Identity in Du Bois’s Sociology

The American Sociologist, Vol. 52, pp. 656–666 (2021)

Schutz and Becker on Making Music Together: A Note on their Respective Contributions to the Sociology of Music

Journal of Classical Sociology 2020, Vol. 20 (1), pp. 64-79

Weber’s Critical Evaluation of Tarde: An Assessment

Max Weber Studies 2019 Vol. 19 (1), pp. 106-115

Howard S. Becker’s Symbolic Interactionism

The American Sociologist 2019, Vol. 50 (3), pp. 378-386

Bauman and Contemporary Sociology: A Critical Analysis.

In Contemporary Sociology Vol. 48 (1), pp. 88-90. 2019.

The Sociology of Howard S. Becker: Theory with a Wide Horizon

Contemporary Sociology Vol. 18 (6), pp. 665-667. 2018

Elite Theory and Democratic Elitism. Chapter Four, in W. Outhwaite, S. Turner eds., The Sage Handbook of Political Sociology

Vol. I. London: Sage. 2018

Kurt Wolff’s Interpretation of Mannheim’s Late Political Writings

Human Studies 2016, 39 (1), pp. 93-99

On Baumann’s Interpretation of Weber

Max Weber Studies 2016, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 100-112

Luhmann’s Reception of Parsons. The Anthem Companion to Talcott Parsons, (A. Javier Treviño ed.)

London, UK: 2016, pp. 113–130

A Durkheimian Theory of Social Movements

International Journal of Social Science Studies 2016, Vol. 4 (10), pp. 29-47

A Note on Max Weber’s Reception on the Part of Symbolic Interactionism, and its Theoretical Consequences

The American Sociologist 45(4):474-482 December 2014

On Wolfgang Schluchter's Interpretation of Weber

Max Weber Studies 2013, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 65-80

A Comment on a Recent Work by Heinz Steinert on Max Weber

Pp. 16-32, in Max Webers Protestantismus These. Kritik und Antikritik (Christian Fleck ed.) Wien: Studien Verlag, 2012

Recenti contributi americani alla teoria dell'identità

Quaderni di Sociologia 2011, Vol. 57 (3)

On Weber’s and Habermas’ Democratic Theories: A Reconstruction and Comparison

Logos Journal 2011, Vol 10 (4)

Jeffrey Alexander on Weber and Democracy

Max Weber Studies 2010, Vol. 10 (2), pp. 235-249

Developments in Neo-Weberian Class Analysis. A Discussion and Comparison

Società mutamento politica, vol. 1, n. 2, pp. III - IV, 2010, pp. 219-227

Fiducia e gruppi sociali nella sociologia di Simmel

In: V. Cotesta, M. Bontempi, M. Nocenzi (eds.), Simmel e la cultura moderna. Vol. Primo, p. 271-291, Perugia: Morlacchi, 2010

Il tema della razionalità in Pareto

SPS: Storia, Politica Società, 2009, Vol. 2, pp. 72-78

La ricezione delle opere agrarie» di Max Weber

Pp. 106-118, in N. Salamone (ed.), Razionalizzazione, azione, disincanto, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2008

Weber’s Foundations of the Social Sciences and Rational Choice Theory

Pp. 31–41, in F. Adloff e M. Borutta (ed.), Max Weber in 21st Century: Transdisciplinary within the Social Sciences, European University Institute, Max Weber Programme 2008/35

Tiny Publics and Group Practice: A Response to the Comments

Sociologica 2008

The Power of Tiny Publics in Classical Sociology

Sociologica 2008

Durkheim on Rationality

Journal of Classical Sociology 2008, Vol. 8(1), pp. 109–144

Simmel on Trust and Social Groups

Simmel Studies 2007, 17 (2), pp. 223-238

Simmel e la Scuola di Chicago. Elementi di continuità e discontinuità nelle rispettive sociologie dello spazio

Pp.107-114, in V. Mele (ed.), Le forme del moderno. Attualità di Georg Simmel. FrancoAngeli, 2007

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Sandro Segre
Professor of  Sociology

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